How to create a dictionary app in React
Dictionary App is one of the apps that can be made to test out React skills before upgrading ourselves from a beginner to an intermediate level in terms of handling API calls and Handling React Components.
In this app, we will make a Dictionary App which will contain meanings, examples, synonyms, and antonyms with the pronunciation of the searched word through an API.
Before we begin, let’s have a glance at what we will be making.
- Creating our App — Dictionary App in React
- Working on the UI part of our app
- Using hooks for
- State Management
- Doing API calls
- Creating Components based on API calls
- Select Component
- Definition Component
- Example Component
- Synonym Component
- Antonym Component
- Audio Component
Let’s begin…
Step I — Creating our App — Dictionary App in React
We can easily create our React App using the npx create-react-app command by navigating to our React directory.
npx create-react-app dictionary-app-in-react
For this to work, we should have the latest versions of npm and node installed in our systems
Step II — Working on the UI part
As for the UI part, this app will be divided into two sections
- Searching the meanings of a specific word using API
- Result of that API call like meanings, examples, synonyms, etc
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